Lusting After

New books I want this week:

  1. ‘On Tyranny’ by Timothy Snyder.  This is published by Vintage, and from 27th March the whole thing will be up on huge posters, made in collaboration with students from Kingston Uni, on Leonard Street in Shoreditch. I love everything about that. I can’t wait to see it, and read it. I’ve been utterly obsessed with politics lately. It seems so fantastical that I’ve not even missed books. It doesn’t seem real. As a result, I’ve found myself reaching for more non-fiction. In a post-truth, fake news era, all I want is facts. Give me history, politics, even geography, science. I want to know and learn as much as possible. This seems like it’ll 100% hit the spot.
  2. ‘Lincoln in the Bardo’ by George Saunders. No idea why. People on my Twitter are raving about it.
  3. ‘Difficult Women’ by Roxanne Gay. A book club choice (see previous post. another sassy feminist choice. win).

Reading: An Update

I’ve been rubbish at keeping this blogging thing up, and I feel upset I’ve let it slide (again). I think I’ve been struggling with reading (obsessively reading the news, but no books) and as a result, have felt like I’ve had nothing to blog about.

Anyway, I thought I would catch you up…

Book 7 of 2017: ‘Infernal Devices’ by Philip Reeve. This was everything that I could have wanted from the end to the quartet and it ended on the high I was hoping for. Loved it. Definitely cried at the end.

Book 8 of 2017: ‘The Mothers’ by Brit Bennett. I genuinely felt bereft at the end of this one. I think elements of this struck really close to the bone for me, and I found it genuinely heartbreaking. This was a book club choice. Also loved it.

Book 9 of 2017: ‘The Power’ by Naomi Alderman. Also a book club choice. Our book club doesn’t seem to be able to read anything but feminist books at the moment, which I am usually a-okay with, but recently I’ve been thinking maybe I should break out for some variety since they’d be my picks anyway. However, this concept is brilliant, and I went in with low expectations for this, although I’m not sure why because I thought the concept was great from the outset. I thought it was excellent. Great ideas, great writing. Challenged my thinking in some ways, affirmed them in others. Also loved this.

I’ve read a lot of books I’ve loved lately which has been nice. I’m currently working my way through ‘Moranifesto’ by Caitlin Moran so hopefully more on that later in the week…

Book 6 of 2017: ‘How to Grow a Baby and Push it Out’ by Clemmie Hooper


I love @mother_of_daughters. I do. I love her so much that I pre-ordered her book despite not only not being pregnant, but also having zero intention of getting that way either.

I am also super interested in pregnancy, labour, birthing, the whole shibang, and have genuinely considered quitting my day job and training to be a midwife. For some reason, I thought it would add more insight into that aspect of things (stupidly). It doesn’t (of course) because it’s almost like a step-by-step guide talking expectant mothers through all of (what I imagine are) the most worrying and difficult stages of being pregnant.

It was super interesting reading, and this is 400% a book that I will get out the second I get two pink lines (whenever that may be), and it’s something that I would absolutely hand out to anyone I know that is pregnant. Considering it’s a pregnancy guide, I think that’s probably the highest praise I could give it.

As Clemmie seems on Instagram, it’s funny, kind and insightful. It’s super relatable, and I can imagine calming. It makes nothing seem too scary or too unachievable. Basically, I still super love Clemmie, and should I ever give birth, I hope I have someone like her (who am I kidding, her) as my midwife.

PS I hope you appreciate the irony that I am posting a pregnancy guide on Valentine’s Day – you’re welcome.

February To Read List


Safe to say, I’ve fallen firmly off the blogging wagon in the past few weeks, and actually off  the reading wagon. I haven’t blogged much, and I haven’t read much either. What I have read, I’ll post about later in the week, but, despite being about 2 weeks in already, I thought I would crack out what I’d like to read this month.

  1. The Mothers by Brit Bennett


The cover for this is gorgeous. It took me ages to realise there was a face in there, and it’s my job to design books. Rookie. It was this month’s book club book, and I really need to get on it. I’ve spoken to a couple of people and they’ve seemed in agreement that whilst it’s nothing groundbreaking, it’s a lovely story. I’ve read the first couple of pages and I’m intrigued so I’d like to finish up that.

2. Orlando by Virginia Woolf


For a self proclaimed VW fangirl, I feel quite ashamed I haven’t actually read this. Whilst I didn’t put it on my reading resolutions this year, I would really like to get through Ms Woolf’s back catalogue (the shame that there is more than 1!), because the woman is a genius. I’m off to see Woolf Works tomorrow (the Royal Ballet’s ballet based on Mrs Dalloway, Orlando and The Waves) which I am over the moon excited about so I think I may be on a bit of a Virginia Woolf hype-train after that.

3. A Darkling Plain by Philip Reeve


I’ve been loving this series. I’ve just finished up Infernal Devices and I am stoked to see how it ends.

4. The Goldfish Boy by Lisa Thompson


My boyfriend designed this book. It was Waterstone’s Children’s Book of the Month in January and everyone says it’s brilliant. I’ve had a beautiful proof copy for ages that I never started. What is my problem?! I need to crack on.

5. Born to Run by Bruce Springsteen


Similar vibe. The hype train was strong on this one. I borrowed my friend’s copy and I really need to get through it so I can give it back soon… Awkward.

Keep your fingers crossed for me.

Book 5 of 2017: ‘To-morrow’ by Joseph Conrad


This was a strange little book – very emotive, a little bit of a rollercoaster. I find that Conrad can be very brutal with his characters, toying with them, and with you as a reader. He makes you fall in love, and then reveals the character as a scoundrel. Your hope is up, and then it’s utterly dashed at the end. Conrad isn’t afraid of an unhappy ending, that’s for sure. I’m left not really sure if I enjoyed this. I feel a bit disconcerted.

This title was one of the Penguin Little Black Classics, which are so cute. I love them. As with many of them, this was more of a short story. I find Conrad quite a task, one that involves a lot of thought and brain power, so I thought this was a good way to go back to reading some of his work, and I’m pleased I did. I’m not sure how long it’ll be until I read another title by him, however, given how long my ‘To Read’ list is at the moment…

Book 2 of 2017: ‘Predator’s Gold’ by Philip Reeve


I’ve already got a little behind with my blogging because I actually finished this book on 4th January. I’m writing this in hindsight, because I prioritised reading ‘Swing Time’ by Zadie Smith. I needed it read it in time for book club, and it’s big so I felt under pressure, and then I never caught up with my blogging. However…

I loved it, dare I say, potentially even more than Mortal Engines. This book was so delicious to read (‘Swing Time’ may have paled next to the drama of this I now realise…). It builds on everything I loved about the first book and nailed it as a follow up book in a way that not many books manage.

Action-packed is a massive understatement because the character’s move through so many different standpoints and emotions and areas of the world – new, beautiful, totally unchartered areas of the world, from the character’s perspective and mine, post-Mortal Engines. It is a super compelling read. I needed to know what happened, and was only okay with taking breaks because I was exhausted. Things happened that I found unexpected, which I was delighted by. I think it’s really difficult to surprise a reader when a world and all the characters are pretty well-established.

There was also character development which I wasn’t expecting. They did things that felt like curveballs, and watching how they reacted to that was great. It felt very true to life because it’s uncertain how much it’ll affect them. I think it also made them more rounded and filled out as characters, because they were flawed, and they do bad things, but you still like them.

As already stated, I thought this book was heavenly. I’m sort of putting off reading the 3rd and 4th books because I sort of don’t want the series to end… That said, I’m finding it pretty difficult to pick which book to read next, because there are so many that I want to sink my teeth into. Watch this space for a To Read Pile post soon. We’ll see how that goes.


Book 4 of 2017: ‘When Breath Becomes Air’ by Paul Kalanithi


I’ve been a bit nervous about reading this book, because my Grandpa died of lung cancer a couple of months ago, so I was worried that it would strike fairly close to home (which it did, obviously). However, I picked it up on Wednesday night on a whim. I’d wanted to read since I saw it in Waterstones in the middle of last year and I was feeling fairly restless, and the time felt right to open it up.

I’m writing this, but honestly, I don’t have a lot to say. It was brilliant. Probably in the top 10 of books I’ve ever read. It doesn’t feel totally finished, but it’s beautifully written. It encapsulates how I feel about death really well. His treatment of people and life are incredibly inspirational. When I got to the end, I truly felt like I valued life a little more, was able to see the magic a little more, and I think that’ll stay with me for a long time. It genuinely shifted my perspective slightly, or reminded me of where I want it to be, and honestly, I don’t think a book can do more. Heart-wrenching the whole way through, but phenomenal.

Wanderlust: Edinburgh

The boyfriend and I are currently planning a mini-break (I keep saying this because it reminds me of Bridget Jones and makes me giggle) to Edinburgh. I am all excited and all over this on Pinterest but I thought it may also be nice to read a few books set in Edinburgh, or about Edinburgh, or by some Scottish writers to help fuel the excitement.

These are books that I’d like to check out:

One. ‘One Day’ by David Nicholls

Admittedly, not totally set in Edinburgh, because it goes all over, but this is one of those ‘I’ve started but not finished’ books, so I think this mayyy be a good place to start.

Two. ‘Trainspotting’ by Irvine Welsh

This one is on the list because I saw the poster for the sequel to the film at the cinema about 2 days ago. I actually haven’t seen the film (yet! It’s on my list!) so I was thinking maybe I should read this, and then actually get round to watching the film and play the age old game of ‘which is better – book or film?’

‘The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie’ by Muriel Spark

I didn’t realise this was set in Edinburgh. I read ‘The Driver’s Seat’ not that long ago and enjoyed it, so I’d like to check out other things by Ms Muriel, and this is supposed to be her masterpiece.

‘Trumpet’ by Jackie Kay

This one isn’t set in Edinburgh, but Jackie Kay is Scottish and this one has been on my ‘to finish’ list forever. It references the main character’s youth in Glasgow in the ’60s, particularly The Barrowlands. Being really into music, The Barrowlands is somewhere that I would really like to check out one day, and Glasgow just sounds like a super fun city.

‘Any Human Heart’ by William Boyd

To be perfectly honest, as far as I know this book isn’t set in Scotland at all, but Boyd is Scottish (which I didn’t know) and one of my friends raves about this book, and reads it fairly often which really seems recommendation enough.

Having had a little look into this, it seems like there are a lot of crime books written by authors from Scotland, or set in Edinburgh (looking at you Ian Rankin, Val Mcdermid). Whilst they aren’t something I usually pick up (‘enough hideous things going on in the real world to read about’ which I know is poor logic), I really enjoyed the Galbraith books, so maybe they’re something I should try. And since we’ve mentioned her, obviously Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone was written in cafes in Edinburgh, so I’ll probably give that a whirl.


Book 3 of 2017: ‘Swing Time’ by Zadie Smith



For as long as I have been able to remember I have been meaning to read something by Zadie Smith. I want to read ‘White Teeth’ and ‘On Beauty’ and ‘NW’. I live in North London! I’m basically supposed to be reading Zadie Smith! But for one reason, or another I’ve never got round to it…

Except now I have. It was picked as our book club choice this month, and I’m really glad it was, although I didn’t love it. It was a strange read. I felt like I didn’t have to try at all to be absorbed in the story. I was there on first pick up, but it lost me as the story progressed. It was like it was too long. What I loved initially is how much detail you get, all kinds of intimate, intricate, beautiful detail, but by the middle it sort of wore on me. There was so much minute detail, and it felt like it wasn’t adding anything to the story. The story constantly jumped backwards and forwards throughout the narrator’s life, and I wasn’t grasping at anything obviously linking the way things were ordered. There wasn’t huge amounts of narrative arc for me. I think I found this because I found the narrator so neutral, so passive. There wasn’t much active decision in the turning of events.

It really irked me, once I’d noticed, that the narrator had no name. Aimee and Tracey and Lamin and Fern and Judy all get named over and over and over. Reinforced constantly, and the narrator is never referred to by name. I think it built into the reserved personality of the narrator. She was always dominated by the people around her, didn’t stand up for anything really, went along with everything, didn’t want loads, didn’t act on her impulses, and let life just slide pass. I didn’t like the narrator that much because of it, but I think it is probably a pretty common response to the situations she’s put in.

I feel like I’ve been really negative about this book, but I didn’t dislike it. I felt a weird compulsion to keep reading. I enjoyed the way the cultures of the various environments were portrayed. I was really intrigued to find out what happened, although, as expected, the answer wasn’t much. Life just happened. I enjoyed all of the glorious detail. I’d read another Zadie Smith book. I might just try to find the shortest one I can.

Book 1 of 2017: Mortal Engines by Philip Reeve

We’re on day 2 of 2017 and I am already a book down! And I’m 100 pages into Book 2 of 2017! I’m feeling quite proud of myself.

Technically I did cheat and start on 31st December, but I polished off Mortal Engines by Philip Reeve in the early hours of 2nd Jan.


I have these cute 15th anniversary editions (which I did some work on). I love the style of the illustrations on the covers – it feels so retro and I just think they’re beautiful. I’m quite sad that these books are 15 years old now, and I’d never heard of them until I worked on them, and had never considered reading them until about 2 days ago. The series is being made into films by Peter Jackson, and I’m glad that it’s him, out of all of the people who could make this into a film. I think it’s such an epic and fantastic world, and after LotR I think he could build something that could, hopefully, do it justice. And hopefully it’ll make these books far more widely known. Mortal Engines was such a great read.

From what I’ve read I’d say the Traction Cities series was definitely in the YA genre, but not in the tacky two-a-penny way YA sometimes can be. I’d compare them with the Northern Lights trilogy. I know, BOLD, those are such classics. The writing style and world they inhabit feel similarly timeless though – fleshed out, well explored and tangible. Mortal Engines was really well written. It was fun and engaging and I felt like the description worked really well to construct the visuals in my mind. There were some ace plot twists and unexpected moments. I gasped a lot. I finished the book reeling and slightly in shock, which I always love. It feels like you’ve properly experienced a book. It was the kind of book where I was desperate to know what happened, but also hugely comforted knowing that I had a least 1000 more pages to go in the series once I’d finished Book 1. I’m trying to pace myself a little more with Book 2 and not gobble it all up straight away. It’s not going well but I think work tomorrow will help with that…

Really, I fell in love with the characters. Hester is so angsty. Tom is so sweet. I liked Katherine’s boldness, and Anna Fang’s kindness. I like the way Valentine’s flaws are explored. I liked their names. They filled the world, and brought it alive and I felt their cynicism and their wide-eyed wonder, their fear and their joy. I think the characters are so interconnected with the way the world is constructed. Their feelings are so intrinsically bound in the way their world works. I like that you got to see different sides of politicised issues within their world – concepts that transfer really well into the world as we know it.

It was just a fantastic book, and I feel really grateful that I’ve got to read it. I loved it, and I’d highly, highly recommend it to anyone.